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Interested  in  joining  our  sorority?

Rush  Χ Δ Θ


FALL                     2017

Chi Delta Theta (1)


What is a sorority? 
A sorority is a group of women who join together to create memories and bonds that last a lifetime!

Who can join Chi Delta Theta?
Women who are students of UCD and is interested in Chi Delta Theta.

Does it cost anything to rush?
No, all rush events are free, and there are no obligations to join!

How do I rush?
Check out our website and flyers for our events and just drop by at the specified place and time. Rides can also be provided by sisters if needed. Just contact the numbers of the sisters listed on the flyers. 


What kind of activities does Chi Delta Theta participate in? 
We host fundraisers, sisterhood events, cultural events, community service events, all while upholding our academic performance!

What are the objectives of Chi Delta Theta?
The purpose of Chi Delta Theta is to emphasize our five points: academics, sisterhood, cultural awareness, community service, and social activity.

Would I regret not checking out Chi Delta Theta at Rush? 
We can't tell you what you may feel; however, you miss the chances you don't take! Come and see what our sisterhood is all about!

With all our Chi Delt love...


@ 2017 Chi Delta Theta Sorority Inc. All Rights Reserved.       Webmistress - Aisleen Santos

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